Monday, June 18, 2007

So what's 43 more?

So now that I'm done with the 23 Things, what's next? I took a look at the 43 Things article and took a few ideas from that. From there, I decided to go ahead and join the 43 Things website and make my own list. I was suprised by the community of it! It was really cool to see other people who shared some of my goals. Naturally, I got sidetracked by checking out the 43 Places feature as well. You can share travel tips, find people that live in or have visited specific areas, and tell your travel stories. How much fun is that?! So I guess I'll start in on my list and blog about that stuff. As an aside, one of the 43 Things was to join Netflix and rent movies. We joined Netflix sometime back in the fall, mostly because I wanted to watch Footballers' Wives. This weekend, when I was checking on our queue, I noticed a little link to RSS. "Hmmmm", said I. I went ahead and added my queue to my Bloglines page, so it's out there for all to see. My 43 Things list and my Bloglines page have links over on the sidebar. Check it out!

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