Thursday, June 14, 2007

Week Eight, Thing 19

I had fun looking through the list of Web 2.0 winners. Of course, just through the 23 Things, I have used several of them. Some of the more notable ones that I've used outside of the 23 Things are etsy and Pandora. Etsy has all sorts of craft things for sale, plus it's a community. I bought some rockin' skirt patterns from there once. I can't remember who turned me on to Pandora Radio, but I really like that. It really gives some spot-on recommendations. So much so, in fact, that I've purchased music based on songs that come on my channels.

So I decided to check out reddit and judysbook. Reddit takes both "real" news and screwy headlines and lets you rate them. As you rate them, it learns your tastes and presents headlines that should be more to your liking. I haven't played that much, so I can't yet tell if it's learning. I found some great headlines though! Judysbook is a shopping website. You join and enter your zip. It's supposed to tell you of deals in your area, but it seemed to have far more online deals. We'll see how it does over time.

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